Letter in support from Rising Tide Anglers in favor of dam removal

February 9th, 2021

Durham Town Council

Dear Katherine Marple and members of the Council,

I'm writing today to ask for your affirmative vote to remove the Mill Dam in Durham.

As a fishing guide on the Piscataqua River for 18 seasons, I've seen our fisheries and the Great Bay degrade rapidly. Head of the tide dams have proven to be a detriment to wild fisheries and water quality.

While this particular dam does provide unique habitat, it is not the type of habitat that our wild and native fisheries need. The lack of dissolved oxygen behind the dam does not support the cold water diadromous species that were native to these drainages before the dam was built. Removing the dam would create an opportunity for the restoration of many species, and also allow the natural passage of critical anadromous fish.

The time to make a change is now, please vote to remove this dam for future generations of fish, wildlife, and humans.

Thank you,

Captain Zak Robinson, Owner and Guide


Letter in Support of Dam Removal from Trout Unlimited


NOAA Letter in Support of Dam Removal